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The #1 ranked overall instant payment network.

By connecting to Open Payment Network (OPN) your members can send and receive instant payments with no limitations of time or network. And it’s available now.


Why does your credit union need OPN?

Open Payment Network (OPN) is the top-ranking instant payment network by McKinsey & Company. It is interoperable with TCH-RTP & FedNow and provides several value-added features. These include fraud controls, a directory, API with workflow, enhanced reporting, 24/7/365 availability, and more.

Consumers expect a fast and frictionless payment experience. Many consumers consider access to real-time payments as a criteria when selecting a financial institution. Most businesses would be willing to pay a fee to receive payments immediately.

Instant Payments

Value-Added Features

OPN: Adding Value to Instant Payments with the following offerings:

Fraud Controls

Fraud Controls

Controls based on cumulative value and velocity parameters so OPN learns based on historical activity to detect fraud.

Extended Remittance

Extended Remittance

Rich Data Format (RDF) supporting large amounts of structured and unstructured data for each transaction.

API Workflow

API with Workflow

Communication protocols for accessing information and transactional processing.

Directory Service

Directory Service

Alias-based payment support and use cases such as peer-to-peer payments.

Enhanced Reporting

Enhanced Reporting

Tools to support expanded data analytics and reporting for users.

24/7/365 Availability

24/7/365 Availability

Identify payees, such as recipients and beneficiaries, before sending payment to avoid transfer errors.

What can you expect with OPN/FedNow?

RTP Certification

Redundant data centers are in active-active mode to ensure 24/7 uptime, 180 ISO 20022 Message tests, implementing IBM MQ servers, receiving and storing reconciliation files, and upgrades to new versions, e.g., 2.9 to 3.0.

FedNow Certification

24/7 uptime, security and encryption, 30 plus ISO message types with over 100 tests for certification, fraud control adherence, message signing, and key exchange.


The technology to do intelligent routing, reporting, reconciliation, etc., to efficiently exchange and make use of information.

What to expect with OPN

Sharetec Credit Unions will be able to:

  • Send payments on both RTP and FedNow.
  • Receive instant payments on RTP and FedNow.
  • Request payment on both RTP and FedNow. Intelligent routing will allow these actions to happen based on how the financial institution of the person you’re making a transaction with is connected to RTP or FedNow.
  • Set limits on the amount that goes out. Credit Unions can control and change the limit for specific members in the management console. Your CU can also determine who gets access to instant payments. Event though the CU will always have full capabilities, the CU can control member limits.
  • Get notifications when a payment is received. A message will be sent simultaneously to the correspondent and the credit union, with the settling of that transaction displayed in the credit union’s master account.

Members Can:

  • Instantly pay their bills, such as typical loan payments and funding loans.
  • Hit last-minute bill deadlines, including mortgage payments.
  • Get their employees paid if they miss a payroll window for ACH by making an instant payment.
  • Make instant payments for earned wages and for paying gig economy workers.
  • Use their current app for instant payments. Instant payments are integrated directly into their current Home & Mobile Banking app.


OPN Front-End Experience

Ready to learn more?

Contact your Sharetec Account Manager today and experience the immense benefits of Sharetec & OPN/FedNow!

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