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Neural Payments

Market-leading payment innovations for credit unions.

With Neural Payments, your credit union members can make peer-to-peer (P2P) payments via their digital banking account, without having to download another app.

Neural Payments

Why does your credit union need Neural Payments?

Credit unions must offer a P2P solution to stay competitive, but limited options exist. Many P2P payment systems have small networks, so two people moving money via P2P can become a headache rather than a seamless transaction.

Products like Zelle are expensive – direct costs are high, settlement and data requirements are complicated, and implementation is pricey and takes too long. By their design, they are also vulnerable to fraud, as they provide more touchpoints (such as a registration process) that can exploited by bad actors.




Neural Payments provides solutions that help harness growth opportunities, streamline operations, mitigate risk, and help drive change in the marketplace.


Peer-to-Peer (P2P)

Capture opportunities to grow, reduce costs and engage directly with customers via a unique, live, customized P2P solution embedded in your digital banking platform.

Fraud Rules Engine

Fraud Rules Engine

Stop P2P fraud before it happens with this proprietary, revolutionary technology that leverages real-time automation to lock down, evaluate and respond to suspected transactions.

What can you expect with Neural Payments?

P2P can replace 70% of checks, saving your credit union money!

It’s easy to see that peer-to-peer payments are here to stay, quickly replacing traditional payment forms like checks and cash. In fact, more than 8 in 10 consumers say they’ve used a P2P service, with many using it every week. It’s a quickly growing space that’s only becoming more prevalent in everyday life. Especially as young adults age into the marketplace and enthusiastically embrace the technology, along with financial institutions offering it, now is the time to get in or get left behind.

Ready to learn more?

Contact your Sharetec Account Manager today and experience the immense benefits of Sharetec & Neural Payments!

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