Customer Support


Ready to Enhance Your Member Experience

Glia boosts digital-first member service for credit unions by bringing in-branch experience to your digital properties, enabling you to assist members easily at any point of need.


Why Glia?

We’ve all become accustomed to conversing with each other through chat, voice, and video in our personal lives. Why shouldn’t we expect the same from the businesses we patronize? Glia breaks down the walls of traditional member support by combining all communication means into one unified, digital member service experience that is always on-screen and starts wherever the person is. Regardless of where it begins, each interaction can easily and seamlessly move between channels, without losing continuity and context or having to restart the conversation – gone are the days of “Please re-enter your…”

Glia Phone

Enhance Your Member Experience

Improving your overall member experience results in higher retention and loyalty, which leads to longterm, multi-generational relationships. Improving member retention and loyalty by just 5% can increase profits 25%-95% and teaching customers to effectively self-serve on your website helps retain 40% more Members year-over-year.

Member Experience

Improve Your Member Acquisition

Glia enables Credit Unions to improve their real-time lead generation while also assisting new members during their onboarding process. Glia has a proven track record of increasing online lead conversion (by +100%) while also empowering your on-boarding team for maximum efficiency with minimal effort.

Member Acquisition

Reduce Your Member Effort Score

Glias platform creates a seamless, unbroken member experience that drives both loyalty and expansion. 96% of consumers who have to put forth a lot of effort to resolve their problems are more disloyal. Similarly, 94% of consumers who experienced an effortless experience are likely to repurchase compared to only 4% who found the process difficult. 

Member Effort Score

How Credit Unions Use Glia's Digital Customer Service (DCS)

Seamless member engagement through any channel, including Chat, SMS, Video, and Phone.

Elevate Member Satisfaction

Elevate Member Satisfaction

According to Forrester, 84% of customers start their customer service journey online. Meeting and guiding members where they are online at their point of need and reducing effort increases satisfaction scores, solidifies loyalty, and builds deeper relationships.

Digital Channel Efficiencies

Increase Digital Channel Efficiencies

Simplify interactions across channels in a single engagement and use visual context and OnScreen Collaboration to minimize sticking points. Deliver a seamless blend of AI self-service and live online banking support for optimal efficiency.

New Member Acquisition

Increase New Member Acquisition

Improve the outcomes of member recruitment while also assisting new members during their onboarding process. Helping prospects at their point of need eliminates friction and meets increasingly high service expectations. Financial institutions that use Glia typically experience up to a 72% increase in new account application conversions.

Revenue Opportunities

Augment Revenue Opportunities

Increase revenue-producing conversions by guiding members on screen to find and apply for products that meet their financial needs, including loans, credit cards, and more. Identify and proactively engage high-value opportunities. Reduce abandonments and accelerate sales with visual context and CoBrowsing.

Ready to learn more?

Contact your Sharetec Account Manager today and experience the immense benefits of Sharetec & Glia!

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